A new café has opened in Ipswich to provide a support hub to over 18-year-olds.

STEAM, an independent mental health café situated on Carr Street in Ipswich, was officially opened this week.

The café is open seven days a week, and in the evenings by appointment.

The premises provides a range of support in partnership with the region’s NHS, GPs and first responders to deliver an additional wellbeing offering within its safe haven, softly styled as a coffee shop.

Alongside professional referrals, members of the public are able to access the service and seek guidance without the need for an appointment.

The service is provided by Access Community Trust and the charity’s CEO Emma Ratzer confirmed more of these cafés will follow suit, with Bury St Edmunds and Lowestoft being the next destinations.

She said,

“Everybody has mental health and nobody should be afraid to seek advice and support when they need to.”

Ipswich Mayor, John Cook, who opened the cafe this week, said,

“After speaking with the friendly team and hearing from just a handful of customers, it is clear that this is already positively assisting people and building their confidence. It’s also great to see town shoppers supporting the service by simply popping in for a coffee and cake whilst shopping.”

For more information about Steam House Cafes’ and where your nearest is by visiting steamhousecafes.co.uk